Runs and Drive (7638 Hours), Dyna-Step Transmission, Front Wheel Assist, 4-Hydraulic Remotes
No Engine, Scraper Special, 710/70R42 Duals, Front Inside and Outside Weights, PowerShift Transmission, 4-Rear Remotes, 120mm Double Reduction Axles
Engine Runs (11,782 Hours), Bad Parking Brake, Front Wheel Assist (4-Pin Planetary), Small Weight Bracket, 4-Hydraulic Remotes, Solid Cab
Engine Problems, 18.4 x 42 Duals, 4-Hydraulic Remotes, Bareback, Radar Sensor For Electronic Tach, Nice Cab
Engine Runs, Transmission Problems, Front Wheel Assist, 4-Hydraulic Remotes, Front Weights